Terracom was among the top 5% companies rated by Early Metrics.
One year after its first assessment, where a grade of 80/100 resulted to the company being on the top 10% among 2000 companies, Terracom scored a 85/100 for 2019. The improved rating showcases the strong growth initiated in a years’ time placing the company on the top 5% of the now 3000 start-ups rated by Early Metrics.
Early Metrics is an international rating agency, for startups and innovative SMEs with presence in France, Germany and UK. Its mission is to assess the growth potential and robustness of innovative tech companies. The imposed rating, entails strategy and innovation decision-makers, equity investors and risk management departments to screen-out promising companies from a booming ecosystem of startups with the aim to get in contact and establish co-operations. Based on the independent audit provided by Early Metrics, it allows them to identify the most relevant innovation or the best investment opportunity while mitigating risks.
Terracom’s extrovert activity with sales in 82 countries and its innovative footprint, captured Early Metrics attention offering the opportunity to go through its rating process, free of charge in order to maintain independence and neutrality.
The process included:
- An assessment of company’s level of maturity
- A systematic interview with the founding and management team by a specialized analyst
- A three-week analysis of the gathered data and input
The verdict is based on the Strong financial incentive, the international dimension with most of revenues being generated outside Greece and the excellent timing for protective solutions
Terracom would like to thank Early Metrics for this new distinction and is looking forward to future synergies and co-operations that shall arise due to the enhanced visibility.