On 10th and 11th OctoberTerracom participated in SME Instrument Innovators’ Summit 2016, an event organized by the EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises).

400 most innovative European enterprises (approved for funding by European Horizon 2020 program under SME Instrument programme) were invited as well as large-scale investors, technology executives and leaders of high innovative companies worldwide.

The main objective of the event was to offer companies a unique chance to promote their products and present their business plan in order to attract new funding opportunities from large investment groups as well as to get coaching on entrepreneurship and marketing development issues.

Terracom – being one of just six European companies that have received funding from the Horizon program 2020 in Internet of Things field – gained the opportunity to present the innovative QR-Patrol PRO guard tour management system in front of an investors panel and participate in counseling sessions for rapid development and promotion of the product in the global market.

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